No Plan
I quite liked the theme of the love jam this year, but sadly I didn't have any free time to work on a game. I realised at the end of the jam I would have a free afternoon and a free morning to polish whatever I manage to push out the door.
This game is really my first time working heavily on story elements. I wanted to void any graphics to see what I could create (e.g. no images to load). I attempted to use my back catalogue of audio I've purchased over the years and I think it really adds to the experience.
I wouldn't call this a 10/10 game, just something to explore for 5 minutes. You can find the source code in this repo.
Download | love11 or love12 7.1 MB
Install instructions
This game was tested with love 12, and not love11 - but running it with love 11 should be perfectly fine.
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